So this is where you get to hear all about what I am up to, what I am working on and why. I'm really not sure what kind of direction this blog will take, maybe I'll ramble about my home life, include recipes and funny anecdotes of life with teens. Can life with teens actually be funny? I guess there are times we just have to laugh, or we'd end up in tears. Perhaps I will focus more on just the knitting side of things and use my blog as a place to pimp out my pattern design business ( lol! I've sold maybe 2 dozen, can it be called a business yet?) Who knows how this will evolve I look forward to the ride though.
Why Tui Song Cottage? yeah, well I needed a name to brand my hand knits and patterns under, and all those cute and witty and clever knitting inspired names are gone! yes, I realised how I am not nearly as original as I had hoped when I started using google to check up on my short list. So I went back to the start of the process again and decided to use the things around me as my inspiration. From where I sit at the computer I see a kowhai tree, it is often visited by tuis, even in winter when there is no nectar laden blooms. Tuis are a native NZ bird, they chatter and sing all day long around my neighbourhood. They really are the most wonderful sounding bird and are great mimics too, there is one nearby that imitates the sound my phone makes when it is ringing! I've been known to go racing inside to answer the phone when it was just the bird somewhere over the back. So we have the tui song, but what of the cottage? well my home is in truth a bungalow, the actual architectual style is known in NZ as californian bungalow and was very popular here around the 1920's when my home was built. Tui Song Bungalow just doesn't have the same ring to it so I used creative license and threw cottage into the mix.
So here I am, looking for packaging materials online trying to sketch a tui for use as a logo and wondering if it really is a good idea for me to take the next financial jump into developing a small business, but with my children now teens I need to do something with my life, I'd rather remain at home running a small business then try to gain employment after 20 years out of the workplace, so it is worth a shot to me.
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