for a while I've been feeling quite disjointed from my local knitting group. All through last year I kept offering to host the knit nights and felt like I was just brushed aside, you see I don't drive, so getting to the meetups was difficult for me. I used to post in the thread weekly asking if anyone was going and able to offer me a lift, but people stopped responding to that so I stopped asking. I still sometimes manage to make it to a meet up, but they are often held in ridiculously difficult places to get to, and often because I've not been going every week I feel so out of the loop I wonder why I went.
I look back when I first started attending, and many of the women whose company I enjoyed stopped turning up last year. And the ones wo do still go just seem kind of distant to me. Sometimes I feel like maybe my presence there is an interruption in their usual social clique, I'm not sure if they mean it to be that way, but I'm not feeling particularly welcome or included any longer. I think the real blerghness comes from discovering there has been a top secret 'other' knitting group going on all this time. I suppose I'm just not cool enough for either.. hence the sad feelings.
Oh well, life just happens, and I'm reminded that even us growed up persons can have social issues, maybe it's all just silly misunderstandings, or maybe it isn't. But the big girl thing to do is get over it, smile and go make new friends who might be more on the same wavelength as I am. I'm going to try an figure out a way to get into town on sundays to meet up with the Wellington group at the botanical gardens. Neutral territory sounds good to me, and if it is all just too awful and awkward, there is always the begonia house to go take photographs in, or the rose gardens to take a wander around. I need something, some kind of contact with the outside world, being at home all the time and dealing with so many demanding situations takes its toll, and it is just so nice to get out and have a touch of normal from time to time, even if the normal is a bunch of yarn crazed knitters.
I'll finish this off with some prettiness from my last visit to the begonia house, because it makes me feel happy
this pond is full of guppies, my kids used to think they were there specially for children to catch
Red things which I do know the name off but can't for the life of me recall what it is right now
The hiroshima peace garden, it is a lovely quiet corner of the gardens which is often passed by, I enjoy taking time out to sit here
Bolton st cemetary which is next to the gardens and full of much of Wellingtons early pioneer settler history/bones
Orchids are so much more well behaved subjects then children or pets. If I could do it all over, I think I might adopt an orchid
Could they be vireya rhododendrons?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your experience with your (former) knitting group. It's definitely not nice to feel 'cast off'. Hope you find kinder knitters who are worth the effort soon.
Aha! they are indeed Vireya rhodo's, it is too cold down here in Wellington to grow them outdoors, but my mother has some up in Kerikeri. Thanks for the kind words, I know there is a space for me somewhere it is just a case of finding that slot. Never mind the square peg... I'm kind of a wobbly asterisk shaped peg with extra nubbles.. so it isn't always easy to locate the right sized hole for me. Anyway today is a new day, and I'm about to take photographs of my finished mitts and fairy bread!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos of the gardens! Im fond of Vireyas too having spent many a happy Tuesday at Eden Gardens in Auckland, as a volunteer gardener. Am down in Wellington now, possibly met you the other week at Tash's Crafternoon Tea at the new shop in Petone? Sorry to hear youve been feeling disgruntled with knitting groups. Ive felt the same over the past year since I came down here. Havent yet really felt "part" of the Sunday Botanical Garden group, maybe because Im a very infrequent attender, but cant seem to find another group that suits me timewise. I think I happily became a knitting hermit last year, just enjoying being solitary, knitting and listening to podcasts and audiobooks seemed to me to be what I needed. Hope to meet up on a Sunday sometime?